What can influence the regeneration of the facial nerve?

During one of our webinars, we were asked: “If the regenerative capacity of the facial nerve is slow, and takes time to fully regenerate, are there any intrinsic or extrinsic factors like health or lifestyle or nutrition? Any advice, some home-care we can do to facilitate facial nerve regeneration?”

Facial nerve regeneration depends a lot on the overall condition of your body

Facial nerve regeneration, like the regeneration of each and every tissue in the body which is damaged, of course, is very dependent on the regeneration reserves of your body.

It is the same as if somebody breaks a leg. It is very important that the body is in a good condition to heal the broken leg again and to recover the function of the leg.

And of course, what you eat, how you sleep and your daily activities are very important.

The most important: do NOT not panic or despair

The most important is that you do not panic. Do not despair. We mentioned it many times in our webinars and also in our video course, and in many video presentations that we have done and already put into our Knowledge BasePlease, do not despair. This is very important, because when a person loses hope, when the person is panicking, when the person is desperate and is jumping from one magical healing to another, it really affects the regeneration capacity of the body.

What can you do?

If you want some advice, please watch or read our presentation: “What to do, What not to do, and What to expect after acute Facial Palsy. There I give advice on what to do when the facial palsy has just struck and also advise what to do for the patient who is already pretty much advanced in his or her recovery process.

Picture of Alex Pashov

Alex Pashov

Co-founder of Crystal Touch clinic and Bell's palsy expert.

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