Brings back your Smile!

Specialized clinic for
Bell's palsy and Synkinesis

At Crystal Touch we provide rehabilitation programs for long-term facial palsy, Bell’s palsy, Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, and Synkinesis.
We also share our expert knowledge to assist you on your journey to recovery.

Crystal Touch Bell's Palsy Clinic

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”

– Lao Tzu

Bell's Palsy Rehabilitation Programs

Crystal Touch is specialized in assisting at late recovery stages after facial palsy.

We focus our attention on reducing visible complications and returning balance to the face after a long-term recovery from Bell’s palsy, Ramsay Hunt Syndrome and other peripheral facial palsies. Suitable for facial palsies from 8 months and older (30+ years).

Crystal Touch Bell's Palsy Clinic Recovery - Exercise illustration

Video Consultation

Personal video consultation with Bell’s palsy and Ramsay Hunt Syndrome specialist – Dr. Alex Pashov.

Image for Bell's Palsy Online Consultation - a screen with a woman sculpting her face

In-clinic Diagnostics

In-depth diagnostic session with our specialists at Crystal Touch clinic in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Bell's Palsy Knowledge Base

Dive into the vast knowledge resources about Bell’s palsy, Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, synkinesis and more.

About The Clinic

Crystal Touch Clinic is the only clinic specializing exclusively in long-term facial palsy rehabilitation.

Our Method

At Crystal Touch, we use our unique Neuro-Proprioceptive Rehabilitation method of recovery.

Scientific Research

Our specialists carry out and present their own research in journals and during international congresses.

Aline - congenial facial palsy - before and after - light smile
Hannah - Bell's palsy recover story - Before and after smile
Gabriela - Ramsay Hunt Recovery - wide smile

Your Bell's palsy recovery specialists

The specialists who will assist you during every session, communicate with you in between the sessions, and provide emotional support and guidance towards your improvements.

Elena Pashova

Elena Pashova

Founder, Senior Rehabilitation Specialist

Alex Pashov

Alex Pashov

Co-Founder, Researcher & Analyst

Jana Fialova

Jana Fialova

Rehabilitation Specialist

Michael Lysoy

Michael Lysoy

Rehabilitation Specialist

Inspiring recovery stories

A journey to recovery from Bell’s palsy is a journey filled with emotions. It is a journey from despair and depression towards regaining hope, belief and self-appreciation.

Some of our patients want to share their stories with other Bell’s palsy sufferers. They wish that their stories will give you hope and inspire you to stay positive.

Bell's palsy recovery stories

What our patients say

Butterfly - a symbol of hope and transformation

A butterfly is a symbol of new hope and metamorphosis. Just like a caterpillar will turn into a beautiful butterfly, everyone can transform and change for the better.

We use butterflies as reminders to maintain hope and believe in a positive change.

Video Consultation price change

From January 1, 2025, the price for video consultation will increase (€145).

Register until the end of the year to lock-in the current price (€95) for your consultation in 2025.