Learn about Bell's palsy & Synkinesis
We created two video courses to advance your understanding of facial palsy and its residuals. The courses cover topics such as:
- peripheral facial palsy
- Bell’s palsy
- Ramsay Hunt syndrome
- synkinesis
- facial pains
- contractures
- facial asymmetry
- and more

20 Informative episodes
- 9 Bell’s Palsy Knowledge Base Video Course episodes
- 5 Bell’s Palsy Video Lecture episodes
- 6 extra Q&A episodes
4h 31min total length of video content.

We have included many animations and illustration.
This helps you understand the complex anatomic explanations well and fast, even if you have difficulties understanding the language.

Lecturer: Dr. Alex Pashov
In the courses, Dr. Alex Pashov, our Bell’s palsy expert, shares his detailed knowledge based on his many years of research and experience in rehabilitation.
What you will learn:
- Facial and Bell’s palsy: What causes it? How does the regeneration process happen? Why is regeneration sometimes full and sometimes not?
- Synkinesis: How and why it develops? Is it possible to reduce it and how?
- Ramsay Hunt syndrome: How is it different from Bell’s palsy? Why does it usually result in residual effects, and how is it possible to reduce them?
- Contractures, facial pains, facial asymmetry, dry eyes or excessive tearing, facial tension and other complications: How do they develop and is it possible to do something about them?
- Recovery and Rehabilitation: How is recovery possible? How does it happen? What do you need for it? How does each of the recovery methods work?
- Throughout the course, we will answer over 30 of the most essential questions that are usually asked by facial palsy sufferers.

The Two Bell's Palsy Video Courses
We prepared a total of 2 different video courses that together explain everything you need to know about peripheral facial palsy, Bell’s palsy, Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, synkinesis and other complications.
Bell's Palsy Knowledge Base Video Course
About this video course
This course combines and explains the most important details from our Bell’s Palsy Knowledge Base about the facial nerve, facial muscles, synkinesis, and other.
The course focuses on explaining the anatomy, function and underlying principles of facial palsy, synkinesis and facial pains. This course will help you to understand how your facial nerve and facial muscles function, what complications may occur and how they originate.
The course consists of:
- 9 episodes of in-depth explanations
- 1h 4min of content
- animated illustrations for ease of understanding
Bell’s Palsy Knowledge Base Video Course provides a clear and elaborate knowledge about:
- facial and Bell’s palsy
- synkinesis
- contractures, facial pains and tension
- facial muscles and their functions
- Botox injections
- facial asymmetry
- Ramsay Hunt syndrome
- excessive lacrimation (tears)
- the recovery process after facial palsy
- and more.
Course contents
Episode 1: About the facial nerve

In the first episode, we discuss the structure and function of the facial nerve and its role in Bell’s palsy. We explain motor neurons, highlighting how they differ from other neurons within the facial nerve. You will learn about conduction blocks and their impact on facial movements.
Duration: 08:00 min
Episode 2: Muscles of facial expression and how they work

In Episode 2, you will learn the names and functions of the facial muscles and how they work together to create expressions. Understanding these muscles is key to grasping how complications like synkinesis and contractures may develop.
Duration 08:22 min
Episode 3: Spontaneous and controlled facial expressions

In Episode 3, you will learn how facial expressions function, with a focus on the roles of the limbic system and motor cortex. Understanding the differences between these systems is crucial, as their influence on expressions shifts during recovery from Bell’s palsy.
Duration 04:47 min
Episode 4: Facial palsy or Bell’s palsy – what is the difference?

In Episode 4, we explain the distinctions among different facial palsy diagnoses, focusing on how Bell’s palsy is identified. We clarify the differences between central and peripheral facial palsy and outline the various causes of facial palsy.
Duration 03:46 min
Episode 5: Bell’s palsy – a disease or a disorder?

In Episode 5, we examine whether Bell’s palsy is classified as a disease or a disorder and explain the reasoning behind this distinction. We also discuss various residual effects and complications that may arise during recovery from Bell’s palsy.
Duration 03:50 min
Episode 6: “The story of the broken cable”

Here, we provide an in-depth look at the facial nerve, detailing its branches and explaining the progression of facial palsy. We discuss what occurs to the facial nerve in the acute and recovery stages, examining its structure to clarify how damage affects nerve and muscle function. We also explore why recovery can vary from rapid to prolonged, why atrophy does not occur, and in which cases residual effects may develop.
Duration 18:54 min
Episode 7: What is synkinesis?

In Episode 7, we explore synkinesis in detail: what it is, how it occurs, and which muscles it can affect. We also explain why, at Crystal Touch Clinic, we believe synkinesis is reversible and how this can be achieved.
Duration 05:47 min
Episode 8: What can and what cannot help with synkinesis?

In Episode 8, we examine various treatments for synkinesis, including Botox, surgeries, Mime therapy, and others. We discuss each option, outlining expected results, nuances, and possible side effects.
Duration 06:34 min
Episode 9: Facial pains and spasms

In the final episode, we explore facial pains and spasms, explaining their causes and contributing factors. You will learn how emotions impact these sensations and why pain may sometimes occur at night or upon waking.
Duration 04:35 min
This is a preview of the first episode from the Bell’s Palsy Knowledge Base Video Course. It shows you what the video course looks like and what you can expect.
Each episode has a different topic and duration. You can read more about each episode in the “Course contents” tab above.
Bell's Palsy Video Lectures
About this video course
The Video Lectures consist of the content we present at our extensive Bell’s palsy seminars for facial palsy patients.
This video course focuses on explaining in-depth all the processes of facial palsy – from onset to recovery. It dives deeper than Bell’s Palsy Knowledge Base Video Course into explaining how facial palsy happens, how different complications and residuals develop, and what is needed for recovery even after 10, 30 or more years since the onset.
The course consists of:
- 5 Episodes of explanatory video lectures + 6 Q&A episodes
- answers to over 30 most essential questions about facial palsy and its residuals
- 3h 27min of content
Bell’s Palsy Video Lectures were made to advance your understanding of facial palsy and its residuals.
Course contents
Video Lecture Episodes
The total length of the 5 lecture episodes is 2 hours and 19 minutes.
The lectures use illustrations and some animations to help you understand the explanations better.
Episode 1: The facial palsy

The first episode covers the anatomy and function of the facial nerve, explaining how signals travel from the brain to the facial muscles and how facial palsy disrupts this process. It describes each muscle’s role in synkinesis and outlines the primary causes of facial palsy.
The episode details how facial palsy damages the nerve and how the body responds to this damage, explaining the concept of a conduction block and why recovery times can vary. It also discusses Botox, how it works, and why its effects are temporary.
Duration: 32 min
Episode 2: The process of regeneration

The second episode focuses on the regeneration process after facial palsy. It explains in detail how synkinesis develops and explores other common complications, such as contractures, facial asymmetry, muscle weakness, fatigue on the affected side, facial pain, and issues with the eye, including dryness or excessive tearing.
The episode also covers available recovery methods and what results can be expected from them.
Duration: 23 min
Episode 3: Synkinesis and its causes

The third episode focuses on synkinesis and its causes. It explains why we believe synkinesis is not due to aberrant regeneration, presenting our research on its true cause. The episode details how synkinesis forms, the involvement of two brain control centers, and how facial muscles function during synkinesis.
You will learn how conditioned reflexes are linked to synkinesis and how this knowledge can help reduce or eliminate it. Additionally, we demonstrate how synkinesis can be objectively recorded and measured.
Duration: 18 min
Episode 4: The main principles of recovery

In this episode, we explain the core principles of the Crystal Touch Neuro-Proprioceptive Rehabilitation method. We introduce the Facial Harmony Rules and how they help restore facial balance, offering guidance on how to avoid actions that may hinder recovery.
The episode also explores the connection between emotions and facial expressions, highlighting how facial palsy can lead to emotional imbalance. Additionally, we discuss the importance of relaxing the face and facial muscles for recovery, along with other essential advice to support the healing process.
Duration: 32 min
Episode 5: Facial proprioception

The fifth episode focuses on the rehabilitation methods used at Crystal Touch Clinic. It explains how to use the two Crystal Touch relaxation points to properly relax your face and how to use your “internal mirror” to improve your perception of your face.
The episode also covers facial proprioception and its importance in restoring balance and symmetry to the facial muscles. Additionally, it features examples of patient recoveries, demonstrating that recovery is possible in many cases.
Duration: 35 min
Q&A Episodes
In addition to the video lectures, we have included our video answers to 34 most important questions that facial palsy sufferers often ask us. These answers will help you understand facial palsy, synkinesis, contractures and facial pains even better, as well as get an insight into what can be done to reduce them.
The Q&A videos are divided into 6 videos with a total duration of 1 hour 08 minutes.
In the Q&A episodes, you will find the answers to the following questions:
Questions about synkinesis
- Is there a hope to correct synkinesis or contracture 2-3 years post Bell’s palsy?
- I had Bell’s palsy 15 years ago, I haven’t healed completely, still suffering from synkinesis till now. I would like to know how to improve my situation.
- I have synkinesis after a facial palsy due to an ear infection. What can you do to help the synkinesis?
- When I lift my eyebrows my lower eyelid on the affected side lifts. Is there any way to repair it?
- How do I combat cross-signals after feeling returns? Five years post Bell’s.
- How to reduce my synkinesis?
- Can synkinesis be treated during the recovery period? I have Mime-therapy and now 59% recovery of facial movements.
- I have BP since 6 and a half months, I’m still in my recovering stage and I have developed synkinesis – smile with lower eyelids contract and blink eyes with upper lip move uncontrollably. To reduce my synkinesis do I need to stop my facial exercises and physiotherapy?
Questions about excessive tearing, dry eyes and blinking
- Why my eye on the affected side blinks slower and I close my eyelid only halfway?
- I now have synkinesis. In addition to my eye closing when I smile or chew, my eye waters profusely when I eat. It also waters more in general so that my vision becomes blurred when I look down for any length of time. Is there any treatment for this problem?
- I’m still afraid that my eye will dry out. Will I be able to wear my contact lenses during the period I still have to wait for my eye about every 2 hours.
- I also feel like there is a lot of liquid under my eyes.
Questions about the popular methods of recovery
- I got Bell’s palsy in October 2017 and I have synkinesis. I have a doctor that does Botox and I do facial therapy.
- Will acupuncture assist in the recovery?
- I’m on my 3rd bout of Bell’s palsy. The first time I had it I had electrotherapy done on the nerve. Is it possible the electrotherapy the first time resulted in the recurring bouts?
- Do you recommend high-intensity laser after 4 years?
Questions about facial pain, contractures and tension
- Can a contracture be corrected?
- When I wake up in the morning I feel my face strongly drawn to the right side, which is the affected side. Also when I work harder than usual. Can this error be corrected?
- Can I use vitamins if I have contracture? Will vitamins stimulate it? Vitamin D or C.
- How to achieve raising the upper lip on the affected side and how to get rid of the tension and unpleasant sounds on the affected ear when trying to smile?
- Sometimes I have earaches on the affected side. Is it normal?
- When I massage my face I get pains in the back of my head. Should I stop massaging when I get the pain?
- I have a problem when shaving. The shaving muscles, platysma, cramps up. This can be quite painful. What can I do to relieve this?
- Why is that that the nasolabial fold of the face becomes deep and prominent? Is this due to contracture of the muscle?
Questions about peripheral facial palsy
- I’m in despair. After facial paralysis a year ago my face still becomes worse. More and more tight areas, less and less symmetry. Will it stop? The left side has lost its weight.
- I have had Bell’s palsy 3 times now. Does this happen often to other Bell’s palsy patients?
- About my situation and if there is any way to decrease Bell’s palsy effects? Especially Bell’s palsy with me for a long time, about 29 years.
- If you get an anaesthetic on the affected side of your face for a dentist appointment or something, can there be a disadvantage for the facial palsy?
- I had Bell’s palsy for almost 19 years. What are the best exercises for me to do to get my smile back?
Questions about facial muscles and facial nerve
- Is it possible to regain movement in the upper lip 13 years after Bell’s palsy onset?
- How to achieve speaking with both sides equally? The non-affected side is much stronger and the muscles grow towards it while speaking.
- I can’t keep the water in my mouth, for example, when rinsing my mouth. How can I train to keep it closed?
- What about the weakness of facial muscles? Is it happening due to improper behaviour and can be restored or the nerve is so damaged that it can’t produce enough power?
- How many years does the nerve continue to heal?
You will learn what causes facial palsy, what happens to the facial nerve, how the recovery process happens. You will understand how residuals, such as facial synkinesis, contractures, facial pains, excessive tearing or dry eyes happen and what you can do about them.
In addition, we explain the foundation of our rehabilitation method that will help you to understand what is the underlying principle in recovering from facial palsy residuals and complications.
Purchase Bell's Palsy Video Courses
You can purchase each course separately or both at once.
If you purchase both courses together, you will receive an online video consultation with Alex Pashov as a free gift (worth €95).
2 Video Courses
1. Bell’s Palsy Knowledge Base Video Course
9 Video Course episodes
2. Bell’s Palsy Video Lectures
5 Video lectures + 6 Q&A episodes
3. Free Gift: Online video consultation
€95 value
Bell's Palsy Knowledge Base Video Course
1. Bell’s Palsy Knowledge Base Video Course only:
9 Video Course episodes
Bell's Palsy Video Lectures
1. Bell’s Palsy Video Lectures only:
5 Video lectures + 6 Q&A episodes
If you have any questions about the course, please contact us at info@crystal-touch.nl
Important notice: This course is purely educational and informative. It is not meant as a replacement for a rehabilitation program.
Refund policy: Due to the nature of the content and its immediate availability for the viewing after the purchase, we do not issue any refunds. Full refunds are only possible due to technical issues, and upon presentation of a proof that you are unable to access the video files.
FAQs about Bell's palsy video courses
Who can benefit from these videos?
These courses are mainly for current and long-standing Bell’s palsy sufferers, who are looking for knowledge and understanding.
They are for those who:
- want to understand the process of facial palsy, the formation of its complications and the recovery process
- are currently going through an acute phase of Bell’s palsy and want to lower the risk of developing complications
- find it difficult to understand information from written sources with complex explanations
- are looking for hope and want to believe that their current facial condition does not have to remain forever
What is the difference between the two video courses?
“Bell’s Palsy Knowledge Base Video Course” focuses mainly on detailed explanation of the main processes and functions. With the help of more animations and illustrations, this course helps to understand the anatomy of the facial nerve, facial muscles and the processes involved in various residuals better.
“Bell’s Palsy Video Lectures” focus on explaining not only the processes and functions, but also the underlying principles of rehabilitation and recovery. It includes more in-depth information than the “Bell’s Palsy Knowledge Base Video Course” but the information is less detailed. The Q&A videos will further help you to get the answers to your existing questions.
In summary, the “Bell’s Palsy Knowledge Base Video Course” provides more detailed information and better explanations of just a couple of topics, while the “Bell’s Palsy Video Lectures” cover a much wider area of topics and explain everything that is connected to Bell’s palsy, its residuals and their recovery.
That is why we advise following both courses: you will learn everything you need to know about Bell’s palsy with the help of “Bell’s Palsy Video Lectures” course, while “Bell’s Palsy Knowledge Base Video Course” will explain to you the main concepts in more details and will be easier to understand.
You can expect some overlap in “Bell’s Palsy Video Lectures” that involves explanations of the main anatomy and functions of facial nerve and facial muscles, but this information is not as detailed. Its main focus is in the explanation of processes of facial palsy onset and recovery.
If I purchase each course separately, will I get the free gift?
Our free gift is available only if you purchase the 2 courses at the same time, or within 2 hours.
If you purchased 2 courses within 2 hours, you will not receive an automatic invitation for online consultations. You will need to send us an email stating the date of your purchases, so we can schedule an online consultation for you.
How will I receive the courses?
After the purchase, you will be able to watch the video courses on our website. The videos will always be available to watch, at any time. You will not have to save them somewhere on your computer. All you will need is your account (your email or username and password, that you will create during the check-out). After login, you will have access to the pages with the videos.
If you lose your account or password, you can always ask us to help you with the access, by providing your name or email you used during the registration.
What payment options are available?
Currently, we offer payment via Stripe (Credit Card). If you’re unable to complete the purchase with this payment method, please contact us at info@crystal-touch.nl. We can do a direct bank transfer or use TransferWise upon request.
In which languages can I watch the video courses?
Both video courses are filmed in English language only. All animations and clarifications in the videos are also in English.
Both courses include English subtitles.
“Bell’s Palsy Knowledge Base Video Course” also includes Portuguese subtitles.