Online Bell's palsy Neuro-Proprioceptive Rehabilitation (NPR)
The online Bell’s palsy and Ramsay Hunt Syndrome recovery program will consist of the following modules. Click on each to find out more details.
Part 1: Video consultation with Bell's palsy expert - Dr. Alex Pashov
The first step in your journey is a video consultation with specialist Alex Pashov. This session helps clarify your condition, addresses any questions, and provides a realistic recovery prognosis with or without rehabilitation
We will go over all possible recovery programs based on your condition and possibilities, and will determine together whether online Bell’s palsy recovery program can bring you the results you are looking for.
The video consultation lasts about 40 min and costs €145.
At the end of the call, when you make the final decision to continue with the program, we will forward your details to our planning department. Within one working week, you will receive the suggested dates and times for your first six online sessions.
Part 2: Module 1 & Module 2 of online working sessions
The full Online rehabilitation program consists of a total of 12 online sessions, that are split into two modules, with 6 sessions per module. Module 1 contains Basic rehabilitation techniques.
Module 2 provides more Advanced techniques. Advanced Module 2 is suitable for the most committed patients who are keen on achieving the maximum results.
While Module 1 is required for all patients following their recovery program online in order to achieve significant results, Module 2 is optional. At the end of Module 1 we will analyse your progress and will decide together whether to proceed with Module 2.
The interval between online sessions is 4-5 weeks. The duration of each session is 1.5 hours.
At the beginning of your online rehabilitation, we will mail to you by post a special package. It contains your “Crystal Touch Passport” that you will use for your daily homework, supporting materials for the program, and a gift from the clinic. All expenses for this shipment are covered by the clinic.
The cost of one online session is €315. The payment is taken in advance per three online sessions at a time. After you have had your first three sessions, you will pay for the next three and so on.
After completion of the first online module, you will have a complimentary 30-minute Conclusion session with your therapist to analyse your achievements and to conclude your work to date. During that session, you may discuss with your therapist possibilities to extend your Online program by three or six additional sessions, or eventually plan a visit to the clinic instead, if that is what you want.
Part 3: Individual work at home in-between sessions
During each online session, you will learn a new set of special rehabilitation techniques, rehearse your homework, ask your questions and discuss with your therapist any challenges you may be having.
After each online session, we will email you your homework with a detailed description of which techniques to rehearse, how many repetitions and how often.
We will also email you the illustrations of the new techniques that you have learned during your last online session. You will keep the printouts of those materials and your homework in your Crystal Touch Passport, so you have it by hand every time you do your homework.
You will be expected to do your homework twice a day, dedicating 15-20 minutes to it each time.
Once in 2-3 weeks, you will write to us a “face observation diary” where you will share with us your observations of your facial condition, your achievements, doubts, challenges, etc. This is necessary to maintain your focus, and your discipline. It also lets us monitor your progress between the online sessions.
Part 4: Work at home after completion of the full program
You will have a total of 6, 9 or 12 online sessions as part of your online Bell’s palsy or Ramsay Hunt Syndrome rehabilitation program. In the case where you complete only Module 1 only, the 6 sessions with 4-5 weeks interval between each will make your rehabilitation program last for a total of approximately 7-8 months. If you want to reach more results and follow Module 2 with more advanced techniques, you will need an additional 3 to 6 months of rehabilitation.
The total number of online sessions needed will depend on your condition at the start of the rehabilitation program, your progress with the work at home and your body’s recovery potential. That is why daily work at home is critical for the fastest results.
When you decide that you are happy with the achieved results, we will stop the rehabilitation.
After this point, you will work on your own for any further improvements and maintenance. Throughout the whole program, you will learn sufficient tools and techniques to maintain your progress and to improve it further on your own.
We will always remain available for you to answer any questions, provide assistance, or to schedule additional online Supporting sessions if you require them.
Important: We can only start the full online rehabilitation program if at least 8 months or more have passed since the onset of your facial palsy. We only step in when your recovery reaches its plateau and further assistance is needed.
Issues we address during the recovery program
Asymmetric smile
Pains & tensions
Incomplete recovery
Excessive tears
Other issues
We actively work together to reduce manifestation of your synkinesis and make your facial expressions more balanced and symmetrical.
During your first visit to the clinic, we will instrumentally measure the level of your Synkinetic Correlation on your healthy and affected sides.
To get rid of synkinesis completely, although in theory possible, in practice will take disproportional amount of time and efforts. However, with systemic and consistent application of our method, you can achieve improvements in your facial expressions and reduction of synkinesis
In the course of your rehabilitation program, you will learn techniques that you will be able to use on your own to manage your synkinesis and continue on reducing its manifestation.
An asymmetric smile in Bell’s palsy patients occurs due to involuntary activation of the muscle that pulls down the mouth corner each time your brain sends a “Smile!” command to your face. That muscle is called Depressor Anguli Oris, and it is the antagonist of the Zygomatic Major muscle, which is responsible for normal “smile production”.
You will learn to improve the background relaxation of your facial muscles by reducing unnecessary brain activity in that direction. You will also learn certain manual techniques to maintain the depressor anguli oris muscle better relaxed at all times, reducing its opposing efforts that lead to the asymmetry of your smile.
The scale of improvements in the symmetry of your smile will greatly depend on your patience, persistence, and regularity of efforts.
Facial pains – spontaneous or in response to touch, occur due to excessive tension and even micro-cramps in facial muscles or their separate fibres.
In the course of rehabilitation programs, our patients achieve substantial reduction or even complete disappearance of facial pain.
Similarly to pains, the stiffness and tightness of facial muscles have the same origin: the presence of constant background contraction signals that the brain sends to the facial muscles. This wrong “habit” develops during the process of long recovery.
As you progress with your rehabilitation program, the tension and tightness in your facial muscles are likely to substantially reduce. In some cases, they may even completely disappear.
Please bear in mind that achieving improvements is a process that requires time, persistence and regularity of effort.
The regeneration of the facial nerve after the acute phase of Bell’s palsy is a time-consuming process. Usually, by 8-12 months, the recovery of the nerve fibres reaches a plateau and slows down substantially.
During the rehabilitation program, together, we can stimulate your facial nerve nucleus and promote a more active regeneration of nerve fibers even many years past the onset of facial palsy.
Keep in mind that in the majority of cases, it is not the regeneration level of the facial nerve that leads to visual facial asymmetry. Instead, it is a wrongly formed new mimetic habits. We will be addressing that issue as well.
Excessive lacrimation or “crocodile tears” is a phenomenon that, from our point of view, results from a disrupted function of a tiny muscle that opens and closes a tear-sack in the inner corner of the eye.
A synkinetic correlation is formed between that muscle, the muscles of the mouth, the muscle that opens the lower jaw and perhaps also the gustatory sensors of the tongue. As a result, when you eat, your tear-sack sporadically opens, releasing the tears.
In the course of a rehabilitation program, this phenomenon reduces its manifestation substantially or even disappears altogether.
Among other issues, we can name headaches, tension and pain in the neck and shoulder on the affected side, tinnitus (perceived constant buzzing in the affected ear), deeper nasolabial fold and dimples in the chin on the affected side.
All these symptoms are quite typical for patients after a long recovery from Bell’s palsy, Ramsay Hunt Syndrome and other types of peripheral facial paralysis.
All these issues substantially reduce or may even disappear altogether during rehabilitation programs, as your brain “learns” not to overdo the contraction signals and to remain “silent” unless you need to change the facial expression, eat or speak.
Tinnitus, in particular, happens due to excessive tension of the smallest muscle in our body – the stapedius muscle. This muscle can tense up involuntarily, deform your eardrum, and you perceive a sound, even though it is not there.
This symptom usually decreases noticeably or even disappears altogether in the course of a full rehabilitation program.
Advantages of completing the NPR program Online
The main advantage of the online program is obvious, as you do not need to travel to the clinic. This saves time and resources.
However, this also means that we cannot provide extra procedures and objective measurements of your condition. If you want to combine measurements with online sessions, consider a Hybrid NPR program.
The Online NPR program is the most convenient and the most budget-friendly option.
If you are limited in resources, cannot travel to the clinic, and yet want to improve your facial palsy condition and quality of life, the Online Bell’s palsy NPR program can be a good option for you.
Who is the Online NPR program for?
The NPR program uses the Neuro-Proprioceptive Rehabilitation (NPR) method developed by our specialists to work with cases of peripheral facial palsy after 8 months or more since the onset.
This means that the method is suitable for those whose Bell’s palsy, Ramsay Hunt Syndrome and other peripheral facial palsies that happened 1 year, 5 years, and even 30 or more years ago.
You need to be motivated and ready to work every day on your recovery in order to achieve positive results.
The program requires active involvement and will not bring results if you only rely on working session in the clinic and do not follow your work to be done at home in-between visits to the clinic.
Indicator of level of self-motivation, expected results and financial investment needed compared to Hybrid and Clinic NPR programs:
Time since the onset:
8 months to 50 and more years
Self-motivation required:
High requirement, as you need to motivate yourself all the time
Expected level of results*:
Sufficient level of results that improve quality of life
Financial investment:
Low to medium as no visits to the clinic are required
*The expected level of results depends on your particular case. This is a general indication of the average level of results.
Heavy and special facial palsy cases
Unfortunately, due to the nature of the Online program and the lack of the possibility to measure objectively your condition and conduct special procedures at the clinic, we cannot work on heavy cases in online setting. This includes certain congenital cases, trauma and tumor-related facial palsies, and certain other scenarios. If you believe this to be your case, please contact us or register for a video consultation so we can decide together what is possible in your case and the best way forward for you.
Example timeline of Online NPR program:
Here is an example timeline of your online program’s structure. Your actual program may vary based on individual needs, which we will discuss during your initial consultation.
The 6th session will be your final session in Module 1
There will be a total of 6 online sessions with 4-5 weeks in-between them in Module 2.
What to expect after the completion of the program?
Each case of facial palsy, whether Bell’s palsy or Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, is unique and requires a tailored approach, meaning program outcomes vary by individual.
In your initial analysis and video consultation, we will outline the specific results you can expect based on your condition.
Our aim is for a recovery outcome that satisfies you. While full recovery is possible with the NPR method, achieving the final 15-20% of progress may demand a substantial amount of additional time, effort, and resources.
After completing your NPR program you will have a set of tools and techniques that you will use to improve your recovery even after you complete the program.
In online sessions, we guide you through techniques that become your personal toolkit for recovery, empowering you to continue progress on your own.
Even after you complete the NPR program, we remain available for ongoing support, to answer questions, and to provide guidance whenever needed.

From our patients
Here is what our patients that completed the Online Bell’s palsy NPR recovery program share:

A huge thank you to the team at Crystal Touch and especially Jana, my Rehabilitation Specialist. You are awesome!! You’ve been fantastic and made a big difference to how I look and feel about my face.
I had Ramsey Hunt Syndrome (RHS – Shingles in my left ear), which did a lot of damage to the nerves on the left side of my face. I was concerned that nothing could be done nearly 5 years after having RHS, but with your program and guidance it has made a considerable difference.
My face is more balanced as I have more movement and control on the left side and can smile more confidently.
Psychologically, this has also made a big difference to my life.
My sincere thanks,
Dr Sue Carswell, New Zealand

1. I have discovered that the mind is very powerful indeed. Just first visualizing the points or exercise makes such a huge difference. I feel that I am able to maintain my neutral relaxed face most of the time now and catch myself quickly when my face tenses up. I am so confident about my relaxed face that I no longer even think about how I look to other people.
2. Although my facial muscles still have not relaxed totally, I now have a huge toolbox of skills to continue the progress. Two of my major issues have been resolved. When I started, my eye did not close, and it totally closes now. It also doesn’t tense or close when I use my mouth. I can even chew with my mouth closed now. I can breathe out of my left nostril, so no longer have to use a nose vent to keep it open.
Before I found Crystal Touch, I thought I would be forced to do toxic botox treatments the rest of my life to look “normal”. Since taking the rehabilitation program, I am most relieved and thankful that I will NEVER have to take that route ever again. Words cannot describe how eternally grateful I am at the difference in the amount of relaxation and balance on both sides of the face!! To me, it’s a miracle I didn’t think I’d ever see.
3. The program is perfect as designed and your calm optimism and positivity has been so comforting. I continually hear your voice as I go about my day, making sure I have those perfect points! Words cannot express how thankful I am for this program!!

I cannot thank you enough for all the time you spent working with me the past 6 months – I am so happy with how far I have come and can’t wait to keep seeing improvement!
1. I have had a wonderful experience working through the first module of the rehabilitation program! Over the past six months I have become so much more aware of my face, how it really feels and have discovered the power of visualizations. I never truly realized how much of an effect my mind can have over my physical body.
2. I am very happy with my results! My face appears much more even and relaxed now, whereas before it was very tense. I can see a HUGE difference around my eyes as well as around my mouth. By learning how to relax the tension, these features appear much more symmetrical. I don’t find myself constantly worried about the appearance of my face anymore when I am in public.
3. I honestly wouldn’t change a thing with the rehabilitation program. I came into it with a very open mind, and I am so happy with how it all worked out. Jana was so patient with me, answered every question I had and always gave great explanations of why we were doing things a certain way. I’m also so thankful that this program was offered virtually because otherwise I never would have had the chance to get this help, given my location.
We respect the privacy of our patients and upon their wish we do not share full name and photos.
Register for Online Bell's palsy program
Step 1: Complete registration form
To register for the Online NPR program, you need to fill in the registration form. No payment is required at this stage.
Step 2: Schedule a video consultation
After your registration, we will schedule a video consultation. The consultation lasts about 40 min and costs €145.
Step 3: Schedule your online session
During the first video consultation, we will discuss your schedule for online sessions and your program will begin.