Two reasons to avoid mirros during Bell’s palsy

When Bell’s palsy hits and your recovery takes a longer time, the first facial movements can take some time to return. When you finally start feeling some first sensations – some tickling, vibrations – it is very tempting to use the mirror every day. For Bell’s palsy sufferers, especially when you are not sure what to expect from the future, seeing your face’s reflection in a mirror can be a very emotional process.

That is why we are often asked is it good to use a mirror for Bell’s palsy recovery?

Two reasons to avoid mirrors during Bell’s palsy recovery

In our Neuro-Proprioceptive Rehabilitation method, we do not advice to use mirrors. There are several reasons for that.

Reason 1

When the patient after facial palsy looks in the mirror, usually, he or she does not like what she sees. She sees the asymmetry of the face and certain movements, unwanted movements. So, looking at your reflection in the mirror does not create positive emotions. As we know from, negative emotions suppress our body’s natural regenerative potential, so the recovery can take longer.

Reason 2

If you observe your movements in the mirror you can only see the actual movements when your face starts moving. But if your muscles contract and contradict each other, without a visible movement, you cannot see it. This means that you are using your muscles, but you do not see the result. In this case, a mirror is not the best aid to work on synkinesis. Since synkinesis is a habit, the more you engage your muscles in these contradicting movements, the more time it will take you to “unlearn” this habit.

'Internal Mirror' concept

Replace your mirror on the wall with an “internal mirror”

What we normally teach our patients to do is to use your “internal mirror” and to listen to your face. When you are not looking in the mirror you are not using your visual sensory channel. Instead, you are using your sensitivity. You are listening, actually, to what your face is doing, to what your muscles are doing: when they are contracting, when they are relaxing, this muscle or that muscle, that part, or this part. So, you are learning slowly by slowly to “hear” your face again.

This is very important, to use an “internal mirror”, if you wish to bring back your Smile.

Picture of Alex Pashov

Alex Pashov

Co-founder of Crystal Touch clinic and Bell's palsy expert.

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